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 Artists & Makers tours
 Urban Culture expreriences
by Miz Culture 

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Follow the yellow boots and discover  the secrets of the city

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Join a wonderful journey into the  creative life of the city with  
 Miz Culture Israeli Urban Adventures

Once a month with Miz Culture: Open tours for registration 

רגע, שניה, לפני שנמשיך. השנה הזאת היא קשה ועצובה מנשוא ואי אפשר לשכוח את המשפחות הרבות שאיבדו את יקיריהן ואת החטופים שעדיין שם.  הוספתי לאתר לינק לרכישת יצירות אמנות שהן קודש לתרומה למטה משפחות החטופים ולשיקום הקיבוצים בעוטף. גם בסיורים, נפגוש את המציאות שלנו. קשה לברוח אבל אולי אפשר לחלוק, ולהיות ביחד, דרך אמנות.  

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Each moment something new is happening in the city.

A new creation comes to life: Random steps turn into  dance, a new poem is being written. Actors create a world of fantasy, a painter in his studio brings to life a blank canvas. A designer takes raw material and creates a piece of jewlery or grament one can wear. Some new stuff is boiling up any minute and I would like to invite you to discover what they are. It is going to be a journey into the city's secret life: in studios, rehearsal rooms, homes and unique cultural centers we will meet artists and makers from different disciplines. We will discuss life, inspiration and creative process. We will explore the 'Israeli' being with its beauty, exceptional histories, complexity and strength. It is all folded in contemporary art -and you can be those who get the first glimpse of it, before it comes out as a whole.  


Live music, dance or theaeter? art, design or poetry?
what would you like to be excited about today?  

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On the seam line: the most elegant boulevard in the city
Nails and Dresses: Women artists and entrepreneurs change the world
Craft and Culture in Kiryat Hamelacha
:The grand Jaffa Outing
LGBT artists in the city
Painfully Beautiful: the artists of  Ajami neighborhood
Magicians, witches and angels
       Bat Mitzvah tour for mothers and daughters 
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Tours for private groups
Everything you dream of at your own festival
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"it was such fun to discover another Jaffa with a story of a rich and varied past, reflected in the town houses. Sigal led us through the alleys towards the flea market, on the way we passed by lovely shops. We met  artists and heard their stories, tasted some great food. Sigal is a funny and full of knowledge. Highly recommended. "

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My vision 

To lead you into a diverse, exciting experience of contemporary Israeli art  


Meet excellent artists whom you are less likely to meet in the 'mainstream'  

Stimulate an open discussion about Israeli culture and its beauty and complexity


My story 

בתמונה: קיר פרינטים בתא תרבות המחוגה 

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A story that begins with love.

I love creative people. I love the questions they ask about life, about themselves. I love each of their unique perspective on their surroundings. I love their ability to translate everyday occurrence, momentary feeling, little seconds in time, into words, colors and actions in space. Those that make private moments into an intimate experience that makes you think:"It happened to me too!".

I love the process that leads to the complete piece of art: the sketchbooks, the cracked hands from hours of playing an instrument.The inner child who refuses to grow up and the mature and casing that allows him to burst with creativity. I love the talent and the urge and the perseverance and the pain and the suffering and the joy and the beauty that are all foded in a new work of art. This magic that suddenly turns everything from daily life, into another world, into poetry.  

  I invite you to join me in a wonderful journey of discovering new works in new ways of expression:

Not what we already know as hall-crowd-yawn, but something else. A real celebration.

A festive experience that leaves you confused, agitated, happy, not-understanding-how-they-did-it, in love with the lead actor, the drag queens you met down the road, morning, evening, from morning to evening, with this delicious food served there, in the street restaurants.


I want to share with you the experiences I had while I was a guest at the most innovative festivals in Europe only bursting out of Israeli artistic talent.


Want to know more about me? Click:  

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רוצה להירשם\ עוד פרטים 

סיורים פרטיים לקבוצות
!פסטיבל שהוא רק שלכם 

?מתעניינ.ת בסיור פרטי לקבוצה משלך

יום גיבוש לצוות, יום הולדת עם החברים והמשפחה, מפגש חברות, זוגות או חוויה ייחודית לאורחים החשובים מחו"ל

יחד נגבש עבורך סיור מיוחד לכם, גם בשפה האנגלית 

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תודה, חוזרת אלייך בהקדם

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